Mental Health Care Plan Referral Information 

Thank you for referring to Bluegum Place psychology clinic. To refer a patient for psychological treatment under a Better Access Mental Health Care Plan, please use the following information. The treating psychologist will provide you with an update on this referral once the patient has been assessed.

Please use the following details to complete the patient MHCP

Contact details:
Practice Name: Bluegum Place
Address: 19 Livistonia Street, Andergrove Qld 4740
Phone number: 07 4846 0103
Fax: 07 4829 4118
We accept referrals through fax, email, and in person.

Our psychologist is:

Harley Stansfield, Registered Psychologist, Clinical Psychology Registrar
Speciality: Depression, anxiety, fear, phobias, eating disorders, weight management, chronic health (diabetes management), sleep issues, men’s counselling, relationship issues, teenagers, young adults, adults, trauma and PTSD, grief and loss.


Thank you again for referring to Bluegum Place psychology clinic.
We look forward to receiving your referral.
We will advise when the patient takes up the referral.

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